Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, addresses verbs in the gerund. How about this nominal form in the text about the book dream catcher? Then, answer the proposed questions!
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Zelito Traquitana was the only inventor in that little town. One day, rummaging through his old inventions, he found the dream-making machine and decided to fix it. But, due to some defect in its mechanism, instead of producing its own, the machine began to capture the dreams of the entire population, spreading an atmosphere of disenchantment throughout the city.
Author of the book “Catcher of Dreams”: João Anzanello Carrascoza. Illustrator: Juliana Bollini.
Available in: .
Question 1 – Watch:
“One day, rummaging through his old inventions, he found the dream-making machine and decided to fix it.”
Identify the verb in the gerund in this segment of the text:
Question 2 – The verb in the gerund, identified in the previous question, required a complement with a preposition. Therefore, he is:
( ) intransitive.
( ) direct transitive.
( ) indirect transitive.
Question 3 – Note that the following excerpt was transcribed without the comma before the gerund. Put it:
“[…] the machine began to capture the dreams of the entire population, spreading an atmosphere of disenchantment throughout the city.”
Question 4 – Cite a verb in the gerund with the same meaning as the one used in the above passage:
Question 5 – It can be said that the verbs in the gerund form:
( ) narrative sequences of the text.
( ) descriptive sequences of the text.
( ) argumentative sequences of the text.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.