Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, explores the conjunctions. These are those words that link the ideas in the text, establishing different meaning relationships! Let's break them down in the text Will there be a map for this treasure? In it, the authors reflect on the need to take care of our country's wealth! Shall we reflect?
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"Biological diversity" means the variability of living organisms of all origins, comprising, among others, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they make part; further understanding the diversity within species, between species and ecosystems.” (Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
Brazil, a country of continental dimensions, is known to have an enormous biodiversity, being defined as the largest on the planet. Possessing a lot, and from different sources, echoes to our senses as having a great treasure available to everyone. ____________, we all know that a great treasure hidden in inaccessible places, or even located under our eyes, without our being able to see it, means a great dream…. and dreams don't usually come true... they can even evolve into nightmares...
Thus, it is evident that scientific knowledge, based on facts, is essential to support hypotheses that generate projects that allow to expand this knowledge and serve as a starting point for projects that allow the rational and sustained application of this wealth. Everyone knows that the worst attitude is “…kill the goose that lays the golden eggs…”. So we need to know where the eggs come from, and how to care for the hen and make her reproduce so that we can pass on this wealth as an inheritance.
Regina Pakelmann Markus and Miguel Trefault Rodrigues. Science & Culture Magazine. July to September 2003. P. 20.
Question 1 - Identify, by means of a line, the conjunction that makes up this fragment of "Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity":
“[…] further comprising the diversity within species, between species and ecosystems.”
Question 2 - Point out the function performed by the conjunction identified above:
a) link contradictory facts.
b) link complementary facts.
c) linking unfinished facts.
d) link hypothetical facts.
Question 3 – Check the alternative where the space indicated in the text was correctly filled with an adversative conjunction:
a) “However, we all know that a great treasure hidden in inaccessible places […]”
b) “Although we all know that a great treasure hidden in inaccessible places […]”
c) “Therefore, we all know that a great treasure hidden in inaccessible places […]”
d) “For we all know that a great treasure hidden in inaccessible places […]”
Question 4 - In the segment “[…] without our being able to see it […]”, the conjunction “without which” establishes a relationship of:
a) grant
b) proportion
c) condition
d) comparison
Question 5 - Review the sentences. Afterwards, mark the one in which the underlined word plays the function of conjunction:
a) “[…] it has an enormous biodiversity, being defined like the biggest on the planet.”
B) "[…] or even located under our eyes […]"
ç) "Thus, it is evident that scientific knowledge […]"
d) “Everyone knows what the worst attitude is […]"
Question 6 – The conjunction, present in the sentence marked above, is:
a) causal
b) additive
c) explanatory
d) alternative
Question 7 – Find the conjunction that introduces the conclusion made by the authors of the text Will there be a map for this treasure?:
Question 8 – In the passage “[…] for what we can transmit this wealth as a heritage.”, the highlighted conjunction expresses:
in time
b) compliance
c) purpose
d) consequence
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.