activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about São Brás do Suaçuí. Let's get to know this mining town? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Located in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, São Brás do Suaçuí is 109 km from the capital of Minas Gerais and brings a lot of melody in its essence.
With just over 3,000 inhabitants, the city is known for maintaining the tradition of being a municipality with a lot of love and talent dedicated to music since the 18th century.
The São Brás do Suaçuí School of Music proves this musical legacy.
Through culture incentive laws and partnership with private companies, the school develops a work of training musicians with the execution of musical instruments and singing.
The courses are free and students must only have a good income, as well as be assiduous and responsible at school. In addition to the musical tradition, the city conserves a beautiful baroque-style architecture.
The Mother Church, the Monsenhor dos Passos Chapel and the Mansion of the Heirs of Mr. José Campos make up the beautiful historic landscape of São Brás do Suaçuí. During the summer, the waters of the quarry attract many visitors in search of refreshment.
Fonte do Mato is located in the center of the city and enchants tourists with its crystalline waters.
Available in:. (With adaptations).
Question 1 – What is the purpose of the text above?
( ) promote a place.
( ) tell a story.
( ) discuss an issue.
Question 2 – Read back:
“With just over 3,000 inhabitants, the city is known for maintaining the tradition of being a municipality with a lot of love and talent dedicated to music since the 18th century.”
What city does the text refer to?
Question 3 – Underline the expression used to resume information below:
“The São Brás do Suaçuí School of Music proves this musical legacy.”
Question 4 – In “[...] the school develops a work of training musicians with the execution of musical instruments It is corner.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) addition.
( ) opposition.
( ) alternation.
Question 5 – In the passage “[…] students should only have good incomes, as well as be assiduous and responsible at school.”, the text lists:
( ) the wishes of the students.
( ) the initiatives of the students.
( ) the obligations of the students.
Question 6 – Watch:
“Besides the musical tradition, the city conserves a beautiful baroque-style architecture.”
In this segment, there is an adjective that expresses an opinion. Identify it:
( ) “music”.
( ) "lovely".
( ) “baroque”.
Question 7 – The excerpt “During the summer, the waters of the quarry attract many visitors in search of refreshment.” It is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 8 – In the fragment “Fonte do mato is located in the center of the city and enchants tourists by its crystalline waters.”, the highlighted part says:
( ) the time of enchantment.
( ) the reason for the enchantment.
( ) the consequence of the enchantment.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.