Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, proposes the study of New Spelling, through the text Ancient Rome reappears in every detail.
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Of the 20,000 inhabitants of Pompeii, only two escaped the massive eruption of the volcano Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD. Ç. Swept off the map in hours, the city wasn't found until 1748, under 20 feet of ash. Ironically, the catastrophe saved Pompeii from the conquerors and preserved it for the future like an archaeological gem. For those who have already been there, the visit is unforgettable.
The profusion of data about the city enabled the University's Advanced Virtual Reality Laboratory Carnegie Mellon, in the United States, create detailed images, with support from the American Institute of Archeology. Thousands of architectural details became visible. The images even show that in the houses of the rich people ate white bread made from wheat flour, while in the houses of the poor people ate black bread made from rye. […]
“Superinteressante Magazine”, December 1998, p. 63.
Question 1 - The subject of the text is:
a) the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius on August 24, 79 d. Ç.
b) the city of Pompeii as an archaeological gem.
c) the creation of the “Advanced Virtual Reality Laboratory” in the United States.
d) eating habits in ancient Rome.
Question 2 - An opinion about the city of Pompeii is registered in the excerpt:
a) “Ancient Rome reappears in every detail”.
b) “For those who have already been there, the visit is unforgettable.”
c) “[…] create detailed images, with support from the American Institute of Archeology.”
d) "Thousands of architectural details have become visible."
Question 3 - In "The profusion of data about the city […]”, the term underlined could be replaced by:
a) scarcity
b) search
c) need
d) abundance
Question 4 – In the text, there are two words that, according to New Spelling, are no longer accented. Identify them by making the correction. Then what's the new rule in this case?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.