Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, aims to study the accessory terms of prayer. A term is accessory when it plays a secondary role in the sentence, that is, when it plays the role of an apost, adjunct or adverbial adjunct. Let's learn? Questions are based on text Oxy.
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Hi, I'm Oxy, an oxygen atom.
I live in the air, in the water and even inside animals and people. But it's hard to be invisible like me.
It was difficult to make friends. Until one day I got a hell of a scare. A curious dog started sniffing me and talking to me. It was Chiquinho!
That's how I became friends with him and the whole group because I'm also curious and I'm always discovering new things.
Will you be my friend too?
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Question 1 - Check the bet that makes up the first period of the text:
( ) "Hey".
( ) “I am Oxy”.
( ) “an atom of oxygen”.
Question 2 - In the passage “[…] I'm always discovering new things.”, the highlighted adverbial changes the meaning of:
( ) a verb
( ) an adverb
( ) an adjective
Question 3 - The adverbial adjunct “always” expresses the circumstance that:
( ) place
( ) time
( ) mode
Question 4 – Identify the phrase in which the adjective "curious" plays the syntactic function of adjunct adjunct:
( ) "A curious dog started to sniff me and talk to me."
( ) “[…] because I'm also curious […]”
Question 5 - Note the last period that makes up the text. Then point to the term that syntactically functions as an adnominal adjunct:
( ) "my"
( ) "friend"
( ) "also"
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.