Text interpretation, Fragment of the book “Por part of father”, aimed at 1st year high school students. In the passage in question, the narrator-character tells us about his grandfather's habit of recording everyday events on the walls of the house. The various questions proposed include the theme and linguistic resources used in the construction of the text.
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Read the excerpt taken from the book “By the father's part”:
Every happening in the city, in the neighbor's house, my grandfather wrote on the walls. Whoever married, died, fled, fell, killed, betrayed, bought, gathered, arrived, left. Simple things like the needle lost in the hole in the floor, he wrote. The history of missing sugar during the war was noted. I didn't know why soldiers had so much to sweeten. […]. And the house with a long hallway, was getting embroidered, printed from top to bottom. The walls were my grandfather's notebook. Each bedroom, each living room, each room, a page (...). Most indecent conversation he wrote at the top. You had to be big to read, or enjoy when no one was home. (…).
As he wrote, I made up stories about every piece of wall. My grandfather's house was my first book. (…) I appreciated my grandfather and his way of not letting words get lost.
QUEIRÓS, Bartolomeu Campos. by father. Belo Horizonte: RHJ, 1995.
Question 1 - Identify the purpose of the walls of the house for the grandfather of the narrator of the text:
question 2 – Mark the passage where the importance of the writing on the walls, made by the grandfather, in the formation of the narrator-character is perceived:
a) “You had to be big to read […]”.
b) “[…] I made up stories about every piece of the wall.”.
c) “My grandfather's house was my first book.”.
d) “I appreciated my grandfather and his way of not letting words get lost.”.
Question 3 – Check the alternative where the underlined term class was not correctly identified in the square brackets:
The) "Stuff as simple as the needle lost in the hole in the floor, he wrote.”. [substantive]
b) “The history of missing sugar during the war was”. [link verb]
c) “And the house in long corridor, it was getting embroidered […]”. [preposition]
d) "Most indecent conversation he wrote well in the high.”. [adjective].
Question 4 - Watch:
“While he wrote, I made up stories about every piece of wall. My grandfather's house was my first book.”.
The highlighted connective establishes a relationship of:
a) adversity
b) simultaneity
c) reciprocity
d) affection
Question 5 - Justify the use as evidenced in: "I didn't know why the soldiers had so much to sweeten.”:
Question 6 – Check the alternative in which the grammatical reason, which justifies the graphic accent of the highlighted word, was not correctly identified:
a) grandfather [stressed monosyllable]
b) history [paroxytone ending in diphthong]
c) sugar [paroxytone ending in “r”].
d) room [proparoxytone].
Question 7 – In “Conversation more indecent he wrote at the top.”, the underlined prefix indicates:
a) restriction
b) denial
c) exclusion
d) addition
Question 8 – Identify the pronominal form used for the reference to "my grandfather":
Question 9 – Sequences of the type prevail in the text:
a) expository
b) argumentative
c) descriptive
d) narrative
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.