Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth grade of elementary school, addresses verbs in passive voice. Let's analyze this verbal voice in the text What is the difference between a symphony orchestra and a philharmonic orchestra? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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All philharmonic orchestras are symphonic. Philharmonic, a word of Greek origin, means “music lover” and is used for orchestras financed by private companies. Orchestras are characterized by a large number of instruments, which are divided into 4 blocks: string instruments (like the violin), with around 60; wooden ones (like the flute), with 15; metal ones (trumpet), with 12; and more than 10 percussion instruments (drums).
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Question 1 – Identify the passage that contains a verb in the passive voice:
( ) “All philharmonic orchestras are symphonic.”
( ) “Orchestrals are characterized by a large number of instruments [...]”
( ) “[…] which are divided into 4 blocks: those with strings (like the violin) […]”
Question 2 – Cite a verb in the passive voice with the same meaning as the one used in the passage identified in the previous question:
Question 3 – Underline the verb in the passive voice below:
“Philharmonic, a word of Greek origin, means ‘music lover’ and is used for orchestras […]”
Question 4 – The subject of the verb in the passive voice underlined above is:
( ) hidden.
( ) simple.
( ) composite.
Question 5 – Watch:
“[…] orchestras financed by private companies.”
The complement of a verb in the passive voice is called the passive agent. Identify this agent in the segment above:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.