activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the otter. she is a animal that has a solitary habit is skittish and hardly shows itself to man. Let's get to know her better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Over one meter long, the otter is a semi-aquatic mammal, a relative of the tayra and the giant otter, which is distributed throughout most of Brazil. Despite being popularly known, it is considered a species full of “mysteries”: the animal that has a solitary habit is skittish and hardly shows itself to man.
It feeds mainly on fish and crustaceans that it finds in the aquatic environment, but it can also add small mammals, reptiles and even birds to its menu.
Despite loving water, the otter finds refuge on land, more precisely in ravines where it builds burrows or takes advantage of natural cavities to rest. Most of the time, it chooses places with steep climbs to make access difficult for any possible predator. The burrows are close to the water, where it moves quickly at any sign of danger.
The species uses feces to mark territory. They are usually made in visible places such as rocks and logs, where other individuals can see and soon identify that that space already has an owner. Research also points out that feces serve as a manifestation of hierarchical dominance.
The gestation of the females can last 86 days, when two puppies are usually born. They receive all the care in the burrows and, at 74 days old, they learn to swim.
Giulia Bucheroni. "People's Land".
Available in:. (With cut and adaptations).
Question 1 – Read back:
“Despite being popularly known, it is considered a species full of ‘mysteries’ […]”
In this passage, the author refers to:
( ) iara.
( ) otter.
( ) giant otter.
Question 2 – In “[...] the animal that has a solitary habit is skittish and hardly shows itself to man.”, the word “and” expresses:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) facts that alternate.
( ) facts that feed.
Question 3 – According to the text, the otter feeds especially on:
( ) reptiles and birds.
( ) fish and crustaceans.
( ) small mammals.
Question 4 – In the sentence “The burrows are close to the water, where it moves quickly at any sign of danger.”, the highlighted word expresses:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) intensity.
Question 5 – In the segment “The species uses the feces for mark territory.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) direction.
( ) destiny.
( ) goal.
Question 6 – In the section “They are usually made in visible places such as stones and logs […]”, the verbal expression agrees with:
( ) the burrows.
( ) the feces.
( ) steep climbs.
Question 7 – Watch:
“They receive all the care in the burrows and, at 74 days old, they learn to swim.”
This fragment is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.