Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about Dolly the sheep. On July 5, 1996, humanity reached a historic milestone: for the first time, a cloned mammal was born from an adult cell. Shall we find out more about the cloned sheep Dolly? So, read the text “23 years of the sheep Dolly, the first cloned mammal in history”! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Discover the experiment, of paramount importance for Biology, which represented a great milestone for humanity
On July 5, 1996, humanity reached a historic milestone: for the first time, a cloned mammal was born from an adult cell. It's about Dolly – the name is a tribute to Dolly Parton, country singer and actress.
The world only learned of this feat the following year, when she was already healthy, at seven months of age. It was a great milestone for biology.
Dolly was cloned from adult cells of the mammary gland, in a technique known as somatic nuclear transfer, in which the donated cell is joined to the structure of an egg without a nucleus.
The achievement is the result of the extensive work of British biologist Keith Campbell, who worked at the Roslin Institute, in Scotland, together with Ian Willmut, an embryologist at the University of Edinburgh. According to Campbell, by 2006, Willmut had received all the credit, but this year he acknowledged the Briton's intense contribution.
Dolly had six puppies during her life, until she began to show symptoms of premature aging, a subject discussed until today in the Scientific Community. The sheep died at sacrifice in 2003 for having an incurable lung disease. Today it is stuffed and displayed in the Royal Museum of Scotland.
André Nogueira. .
Question 1 - Identify with a dash the passage featuring Dolly the sheep:
“23 years of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal in history”
Question 2 - In the "Meet the experiment, of paramount importance for Biology […]”, the author of the text used the highlighted verb to:
( ) give an order.
( ) make an invitation.
( ) express a wish.
Question 3 - In the segment "On July 5, 1996, Humanity has reached a historic milestone […]”, the underlined expression indicates a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 4 - In the sentence “[…] when she was already healthy […]”, the pronoun “she”:
( ) takes back Dolly the sheep.
( ) questions the sheep Dolly.
( ) characterizes the sheep Dolly.
Question 5 - In the fragment “It was a great milestone for Biology.”, the author of the text exposes:
( ) one caveat.
( ) an evaluation.
( ) a comparison.
Question 6 – In the passage “[…] in which the donated cell is joined to the structure of an egg without a nucleus.”, the author of the text explains:
Question 7 – In the passage “[…] Willmut had received all the credit, but this year he admitted the intense contribution of the Brit.”, the text refers to the year of:
( ) 1996.
( ) 2003.
( ) 2006.
Question 8 – According to the text, “Dolly had six puppies in her life, until she began to show symptoms of premature aging […]”, What does premature aging mean?
( ) It means late aging.
( ) Means predicted aging.
( ) Means early aging.
Question 9 – In the period “The sheep died sacrificed in 2003, for having an incurable lung disease.”, the preposition “for” expresses:
( ) the reason the sheep Dolly was sacrificed.
( ) the hypothesis that the sheep Dolly was sacrificed.
( ) the consequence of the sheep Dolly having been sacrificed.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.