Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, proposes the study of parentheses, in a contextualized way.
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Brazilian Indians had no more than minimal rudiments of a calendar, without any theorization or standardization. They only knew the four phases of the Moon and its cyclical repetition, and noticed some changes, such as the periods of heat, rain, cold, floods of rivers, piracema, ripening of the fruits. They didn't divide the day into hours.
Some tribes, like the Guarani, knew two seasons: the Sun (Coaraciara) and the rains (Almanara). The Caingangues, in southern Brazil, counted up to ten days past or future, using the ten fingers of their hands.
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Question 1 - In all passages, the use of the hidden subject is noticed, except in:
a) “The Brazilian Indians had no more than the minimum rudiments of a calendar […]”
b) “They only knew the four phases of the Moon […]”
c) “[…] and they noticed some changes […]”
d) "They didn't divide the day into hours."
Question 2 - In the excerpt “Some tribes, like the Guarani, knew two seasons: the Sun (Coaraciara) and the rains (Almanara)”, the parentheses indicate the insertion of one:
the quote
b) correction
c) explanation
d) observation
Question 3 - In the passage “The caingangues, in southern Brazil, counted up to ten days past or future, using the ten fingers of the hands.”, the underlined part works syntactically as:
a) adnominal deputy
b) nominal complement
c) vocative
d) bet
Question 4 - In the segment “[…] and your cyclic repetition […]”, the highlighted pronoun refers to:
a) theorization
b) Moon
c) rain
d) piracema
Question 5 - In “[…] as the seasons of heat, rain, cold, floods of rivers, piracema, ripening of the fruits.”, the commas were used to:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.