activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about protozoa. They are found virtually everywhere where there is moisture.. Let's get to know these beings better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Protozoa can sometimes be seen with the naked eye or with a microscope. They inhabit fresh and salt waters; the soil and the interior of animals and plants (they are then called parasites). They are found practically everywhere where there is moisture. They are the first animals (proto = first; mock = animals).
These single-celled organisms exhibit a great deal of complexity: their cells are many times more versatile than the cells of multicellular organisms. Protozoa diversified into types of beings with different shapes and behaviors. They can get energy directly from the Sun and CO2 (they do photosynthesis) or they can be carnivores. In terms of locomotion, there are those that are mobile or those that live fixedly, as if they were plants.
Several protozoans are responsible for important human diseases, such as plasmodia, which cause malaria, trypanosomatids, which cause Chagas disease and sleeping sickness, amoebas, which cause amoebiasis, and giardia, which cause giardiasis, an infection intestinal.
Miguel D'Olivier.
Available in: .
Question 1 – Read back:
“They inhabit fresh and salt waters; the soil and the interior of animals and plants […]”
In this passage, the text refers to:
Question 2 – In the segment “They are the first animals (proto = first; mock = animals).", the parentheses contain:
( ) one correction.
( ) a conclusion.
( ) one explanation.
Question 3 – In “[…] your cells are, often, more versatile than the cells of multicellular organisms.”, the highlighted expression indicates a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 4 – The excerpt “The protozoa diversified into types of beings with different formats and behaviors.” It is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 5 – In the fragment “They can obtain energy directly from the Sun and CO2 (they carry out photosynthesis) or may be carnivores.”, the underlined term expresses:
( ) option.
( ) addition.
( ) opposition.
Question 6 – In the part “In terms of locomotion, there are those that are mobile or that live fixedly, as if they were plants.”, the word “like”:
( ) points to a cause.
( ) starts a comparison.
( ) introduces an example.
Question 7 – Link, according to the guidelines:
(1) amoebas
( 2 ) giardia
( 3 ) plasmodia
( 4 ) trypanosomatids
Diseases in which they cause in humans
( ) malaria
( ) giardiasis
( ) amebiasis
( ) Chagas disease and sleeping sickness
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.