Text interpretation aimed at students in the fourth or fifth year of elementary school. The text used in this interpretation is “The Spider's Web”.
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I had to go to the attic to find some old newspapers. As everyone knows, the attic is the least clean place in the house. Visitors are never invited to the attic.
The attic, full of trunks, suitcases and crates, is never used to hold birthday parties. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea…
Me entering the attic, and bumping into a spider's web.
– What a lack of consideration, – fussed the spider. – A web that gave me so much trouble to manufacture!
- It was an accident. Sorry - I told him, a little hollow.
“Whoever spoils, fixes it,” she yelled at me.
– But I can't weave cobwebs.
- So, had not torn. Whoever spoils, fixes it, she insisted.
I haven't done anything else. I asked a weaver, an embroiderer, and a woman who works in knitwear for instruction. Each one of them taught me what they knew and I was better or better, with a very thin needle and an even thinner nylon thread I've been spending my days in the attic spit the spider's web, with so many responsibilities in my life, so many stories to tell, and one of these succeeded me.
Even if the spider was silent, but it doesn't:
Whoever spoils, fixes, and always undoing my work:
What a clumsiness, what a horror. More days, less days, I also get nervous and tell the spider to tell stories instead of me. I always wanted to see if she could do the job.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Where does the story take place?
3) What is the least clean place in the house?
4) What is stored in the attic?
5) Upon entering the attic what happened?
6) What did the spider say?
7) What did the spider owner do?
8) Whom did the spider owner ask for instructions to weave the web?
9) Look up the meaning of the words in bold in the text in the dictionary and then form a sentence for each one.
A) Barafustou:
B) Cosip:
At answers are in the link above the header.