Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses uses of the comma. Let's study more about this punctuation mark? So, answer the questions based on the text that the book presents to us. the achievement of happiness, written by philosopher Bertrand Russell!
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In “The achievement of happiness”, philosopher Bertrand Russell sought to diagnose the countless causes of unhappiness in life modern, charting a path to escape the seemingly inevitable malaise that prevails even in prosperous societies. That the reader does not expect, as the author warns in the preface, profound eruditions: what moves this work is the conviction that with a little well-directed effort it is possible to reach happiness. Originally written in 1930, this little book remains current—and much needed.
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Question 1 - In the passage “In “The Conquest of Happiness”, the philosopher Bertrand Russell sought to diagnose […]”, the comma indicates:
( ) an omission.
( ) an inversion.
( ) an interleaving.
Question 2 - Find the other passage in the text where the comma was used for the reason identified in the previous question:
Question 3 - In the segment “[…] the countless causes of unhappiness in modern life, tracing a path […]”, the comma precedes a verb:
( ) at infinity.
( ) in the gerund.
( ) in the participle.
Question 4 – In “That the reader does not expect, as the author warns in the preface, profound eruditions […]”, the comma separates a part of the text that expresses:
( ) a cause.
( ) a comparison.
( ) a conformity.
Question 5 - The excerpt below was transcribed without commas. Put them:
“[…] what moves this work is the conviction that with a little well-guided effort it is possible to reach happiness.”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.