Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aims to study the conjunctions employed in the construction of the textWhat do you want to do later? The activity consists of open and closed questions about this content.
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Your professional future, as well as your studies, are your business. So it's up to you to find your own way. Perhaps it is different from the path planned by your parents. In that case, explain your aspirations to them.
It may be, however, that you are not prepared to make a professional choice. It would be necessary to take a moment to reflect on the various possibilities. The problem is that you have to choose now and definitely: human or exact? English or French? Where to start? In what profession? It's dizzying! But don't blame yourself if you're bewildered, or if you're feeling completely blocked.
Maria José Adercet. “Family life”. São Paulo: Scipione, 1994.
Question 1 - Find the conjunction that links the second sentence of the text to the first. Then identify the meaning effect expressed by it:
Question 2 - In the excerpt “Your professional future, as your studies are your business.”, the underlined conjunction performs the function of:
a) comparison between two facts.
b) cause of a stated fact.
c) adding ideas.
d) consequence of a fact.
Question 3 - Identify the passage in the text that has a conjunction that performs the same function as the conjunction "as well." Then, mark it:
Question 4 – Taking into account the use of the conjunction, the passage "It may be, however, that you are not prepared to make a professional choice." it can be rewritten like this:
a) "It may be, however, that you are not prepared to make a professional choice."
b) "It may therefore be that you are not prepared to make a professional choice."
c) "That may be why you are not prepared to make a professional choice."
d) "It may be, however, that you are not prepared to make a professional choice."
Question 5 - Note the occurrence of the conjunction “or” in the last sentence of the text. Is the idea suggested by her one of inclusion or exclusion?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.