Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, explores the verbs in the present tense. Let's analyze them in the text How many beats does the heart rate per minute? Are you curious to find out the answer? So, read the text and be sure to study the verbs in the present tense, ok?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The heart normally beats 60 to 100 times a minute in adult people! And children's hearts beat faster than adults' hearts, you know? The number of heart beats per minute is called your heart rate.
Heart rate can vary from person to person, in people of different ages, and it can even be different in people who do and people who don't. When we run, play or make some physical effort, our heart rate can increase because our heart needs to beat harder and harder to send more blood to our body, which is doing the exercise!
We can count how many times our heart beats per minute and thus discover our heart rate. But how? In some places in our body, we can feel the heartbeat through the pulsation of the arteries, those vessels that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body. We can put our index finger and the biggest one on our fist, feel the pulse and count! It's not hard, you can try!
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Question 1 - The title "How many beats does the heart give per minute?" presents a verb used in the present tense. Tick it:
a) "How many"
b) "beats"
c) "gives"
d) "by"
Question 2 - In “The heart normally beats 60 to 100 times a minute in adults!”, the term “normally” adds to the verb in the present tense “beats” a circumstance of:
a) mode
b) time
c) place
d) intensity
Question 3 – In the period “And children's hearts beat faster than adults' hearts, did you know?”, the verb in the present tense “beats” was used:
a) in a conclusion.
b) in a justification.
c) in an instance.
d) in a comparison.
Question 4 - In the sentence “[…] who is doing the exercise!”, the phrase in the present “is doing” has as subject:
a) “some physical effort”.
b) “our heart rate”.
c) “our heart”.
d) “our body”.
Question 5 - In the passage “When we run, play or make some physical effort […]”, the verbs in the present tense express:
a) actions
b) states
c) attributes
d) ways of being
Question 6 – In the segment “In some places in our body, we can feel the heartbeat […]”, the subject of the verb in the present tense “we can” is hidden. Identify it:
Question 7 – In the sentence "It's not difficult [...]", the present tense verb "is" is in the indicative mode for:
a) express a request.
b) express a certainty.
c) express advice.
d) express a hypothesis.
Question 8 – The verbs in the present tense, analyzed above, make up an article that performs the function of:
a) report
b) entertain
c) explain
d) debate
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.