Text interpretation activity aimed at fifth grade students. The text used in this interpretation is What is love.
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In a classroom there were several children and one of them asked the teacher:
- What is love?
The teacher felt that the child deserved an answer worthy of the intelligent question she had asked.
As it was time for recess, he asked each student to take a walk around the schoolyard and bring what most awakened in him the feeling of love.
The children left in a hurry and when they returned the teacher said:
– I want each one to show what they brought with them.
The first child said:
– I brought this flower, isn't it beautiful?
The second child spoke:
– I brought this butterfly. See the color of their wings. I will put it in my collection.
The third child completed:
– I brought this baby bird. He had fallen from the nest along with another brother. Isn't it cute?
And so, the children were showing what they brought...
That's when the teacher noticed that Alice had been quiet the entire time.
She was red with embarrassment that she had brought nothing.
The teacher addressed her and asked:
– Honey, why did you bring nothing?
And Alice shyly replied:
- Sorry teacher. I saw the flower and felt its perfume; I thought about pulling it out, but I preferred to leave it so that its perfume exhaled for a longer time. I also saw the butterfly, light, colorful! She looked so happy that I didn't have the heart to imprison her. I also saw the bird fallen among the leaves, but as I climbed the tree I noticed its mother's sad look and preferred to return it to its nest. So, teacher, I carry with me the scent of the flower, the feeling of freedom of the butterfly, and the gratitude I felt in the eyes of the bird's mother, but I can't show them.
The teacher thanked Alice and gave her top marks, as she was the only one who realized that we can only bring love in the heart and not in material things.
JUNIOR, S. Fair (Editor). What is love. Belo Horizonte, Soler Editora, 2006.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who is the author?
3) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
4) What is the main subject of the text?
5) Where does the story take place?
6) What was the question of one of the children?
7) What did the teacher ask the students to do?
8) What did the children bring?
9) Why was Alice shy?
10) Why did Alice get top marks?
At answers are in the link above the header.