A Artificial intelligence it is the subject of many science fiction films and series. “Eu, Robô”, from 2004, is an example and makes us reflect on the results of what we project, which are often perceived after the damage has already been done.
Is this the future with the Artificial Intelligence that is currently developing?
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The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reported last Tuesday (11) that workers in member countries of the institution - such as the United States, France and Germany - fear losing their jobs for the AI.
The reason for this is that more than a quarter of these jobs rely on skills that can easily be automated in the next AI revolution. Understand!
Even before the emergence of ChatGPT, three out of five workers feared losing their jobs to AI in the next 10 years. Regarding the recent survey, 5,300 workers were surveyed in 2,000 manufacturing and finance companies in seven OECD member countries.
These surveys reveal that the jobs most at risk of being automated represent 27% of the workforce in the group's member countries. The occupations most exposed to substitution are those with low and medium qualifications, such as construction, agriculture and, to a lesser extent, production and transport.
Despite the anxiety and fear brought about by these predictions, two-thirds of workers Those who have used AI in their jobs have reported that automation has made their jobs less dangerous or tedious.
According to OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann, the way in which Artificial Intelligence will affect workers and whether the benefits outweigh the risks depends on the measures each country takes in this regard. sense.
In the document, the organization recommended that countries create public policies that deal with the risks of AI to ensure that the labor market becomes inclusive, not the other way around.
So ideally, governments should collect data about technology and do research to understand what changes will happen, what jobs will be created or expired, as well as how workers should develop their skills to suit the advances.