Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, allows the study of the functioning of the relative pronoun"what", in the text that tells us a curiosity The original meanings of the colors of the flag of Brazil.
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Not everyone knows it, but the content of the Brazilian flag had other meanings at the time of the Empire. The green rectangle, which came to represent our nature, previously referred to the Casa de Bragança (the family of Dom Pedro I). Yellow, now a symbol of the country's mineral wealth, was the color of the House of Lorena (of the Archduchess Dona Leopoldina, wife of Dom Pedro I). And the blue circle was the armillary sphere, also present on the Portuguese flag of the Empire. Now, indicate our starry sky.
The changes took place when the current flag was made, in 1889. She inherited the symbols of the imperial standard, but changed the meanings. It also incorporated the phrase “Ordem e Progresso”, which was inspired by a motto of positivism, a popular philosophical current at the time.
Positivism dictated that science was the only form of progress for modern society. The original phrase, coined by the positivist Augusto Comte, was “love as a principle, order from below and progress from above”.
Available in: http://mundoestranho.abril.com.br. Accessed on: 09/11/16.
Question 1 - Relate the colors of the Brazilian flag to their first meanings:
the blue one
b) yellow
c) green
( ) “Casa de Bragança (the family of Dom Pedro I).”
( ) “the armillary sphere, also present on the Portuguese flag of the Empire.”
( ) “the color of the House of Lorena (of the Archduchess Dona Leopoldina, wife of Dom Pedro I).”
Question 2 - Identify the referents of the relative pronoun "that" in the following excerpts:
The) "[…] what came to represent our nature […]"
B) "[…] what was inspired by a motto of positivism, a popular philosophical current at the time.”
Question 3 - In “She inherited the symbols of the imperial standard, but changed the meanings.”, the highlighted term could be replaced by:
a) however
b) therefore
c) as soon as
d) because
Question 4 – Justify the use of quotation marks in the text:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.