Portuguese activity, aimed at 7th grade students, proposes the study of the pronoun “whose”, used in the construction of text, which deals with one of the cruelest industries in the world: fur.
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The fur industry is one of the cruelest industries in the world, with China being the world's source for most fur products. In the absence of any legislation or government control, animals in the Chinese fur industry are subjected to the most extreme forms of cruelty. Investigations of fur farms in China have exposed shocking methods of trapping, transporting, confining and killing. Among the species being used are included not only the traditional fur suppliers, such as rabbits, foxes, minks and the raccons, but also domestic dogs and cats – whose fur is purposely called by other names and exported as fur by other species. More than 40 million animals are killed each year for the use of their skins.
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Question 1 - Identify the fact that, according to the text, prevents the fight against the fur industry:
a) “The fur industry is one of the cruelest industries in the world […]”
b) “[…] absence of any legislation or government control […]”
c) “Investigations carried out on fur farms in China exposed shocking methods […]”
d) “Among the species being used are included not only the traditional suppliers […]”
Question 2 - In “[…] are killed each year for the use of your skins.”, the underlined term replaces:
a) rabbits and foxes.
b) domestic dogs and cats.
c) other species.
of the animals.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “[…] but also domestic dogs and cats – whose skin is called purpose […]”, the highlighted pronoun indicates the idea of:
the possession
b) consequence
c) time
d) purpose
Question 4 – In the "[…] like the rabbits, the foxes, […], the underlined word introduces a:
a) exemplification
b) comparison
c) explanation
d) opinion
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.