Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the passive agent. Let's study the passive complement of verbs in the text Live-action of A Dama eo Vagabundo wins first trailer? To do so, answer the questions proposed below!
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The film will premiere on the Disney+ platform on November 12th.
the trailer of live action in The Lady and the Tramp was released by Disney on August 23rd.
The film will debut on November 12 on Disney+, a platform of films, series and shows that will be launched by the company on the same date. This year, the service will only be available in the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand.
There is still no information about the film's premiere in Brazilian cinemas. For now, what is known is that the Disney+ platform should reach Latin American countries in 2020.
Available in:. (With cuts).
Question 1 - There is a passive agent in this segment of the text:
( ) “The movie will premiere on the Disney+ platform on November 12th.”
( ) “The trailer of live action in The Lady and the Tramp was released by Disney […]"
( ) “There is still no information about the film's premiere in Brazilian cinemas.”
Question 2 - The passive agent is the complement of a verb in the passive voice. In the segment mentioned above, the passive verb indicates:
( ) an action.
( ) a state.
( ) a feature.
Question 3 - Underline the agent of the liability in this period of the text:
"The film will debut on November 12 on Disney+, a platform for films, series and shows that will be launched by the company on the same date."
Question 4 – In the period above, the agent of the liability is introduced by the preposition:
( ) "The".
( ) "in".
( ) "per".
Question 5 - The agent of the liability is considered a term:
( ) essential of prayer.
( ) part of the prayer.
( ) accessory to prayer.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.