We are providing a very interesting math activity with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The activity brings a crossword with the answers, in addition to working the accounts, we also work with writing and the Roman numerals are also present.
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Download of the file in format word: Mathematical Crossword_3rd year
1) Solve the math crossword
Math crossword 3rd year
a) 250 x 2 = _____
b) 3 x 5 = _____
c) 999 + 1 = _____
d) 35 - 18 = _____
e) 15 x 4 = _____
f) 25 x 8 = _____
g) 94 - 78 = _____
h) 40 ÷ 2 = _____
i) 5 x 6 = _____
j) 70 - 67 = _____
k) 48 ÷ 4 = _____
l) 95 ÷ 5 = _____
m) 36 ÷ 6 = _____
n) 10 x 10 = _____
o) 490 ÷ 7 = _____
p) 51 - 44 = _____
q) 320 ÷ 4 = _____
r) 77 ÷ 7 = _____
s) 1008 - 1000 = _____
t) 18 x 5 = _____
u) 342 ÷ 38 = _____
2) Solve the operations below using decimal places:
I. 648 + 221 =______
II. 729 + 149 = _____
III. 314 + 431 = _____
IV. 807 + 79 = _____
V. 598 + 194 = _____
SAW. 624 + 98 = _____
VII. 497 + 204 = _____
VIII. 647 + 79 = _____
IX. 299 + 301 = _____
X. 509 + 394 = _____
XI. 367 + 275 = _____
XII. 624 + 58 = _____
XIII. 42 + 309 = _____
XIV. 298 + 174 = _____
XV. 376 + 261 = _____
XVI. 57 + 251 = _____
XVII. 974 – 528 = _____
XVIII. 886 – 454 = _____
XIX. 764 – 321 = _____
XX. 697 – 249 = _____
XXI. 569 – 123 = _____
XXII. 462 – 98 = _____
XXIII. 348 – 124 = _____
XXIV. 215 – 97 = _____
XXV. 198 – 19 = _____
XXVI. 986 – 285 = _____
XXVII. 688 – 544 = _____
XXVIII. 679 – 492 = _____
XXIX. 965 – 321 = _____
XXX. 624 – 89 = _____
XXXI. 891 – 91 = _____
XXXII. 21 x 2 = _____
XXXIII. 32 x 3 = _____
XXXIV. 43 x 4 = _____
XXXV. 54 x 2 = _____
XXXVI. 61 x 1 = _____
XXXVII. 50 x 2 = _____
XXXVIII. 121 x 3 = _____
XXXIX. 142 x 4 = _____
XL. 210 x 2 = _____
XLI. 15 x 5 = _____
XLII. 21 x 6 = _____
XLIII. 42 x 3 = _____
XLIV. 61 x 3 = _____
XLV. 24 x 4 = _____
XLVI. 35 x 5 = _____
XLVIII. 41 x 6 = _____