Portuguese activity, focused on seventh-year students, addresses the cardinal numerals. What does a cardinal numeral indicate? A fraction, a quantity or a numerical order? Let's learn? To do this, answer the questions based on the text. the agouti! Did you know that there are seven species of this rodent in Brazil? Discover more fun facts about the agouti by reading the text and, of course, study the cardinal numerals!
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The agouti (Dasyprocta aguti Linnaeus, 1766) (also known as cotia) is a rodent mammal of the family Dasiproctidae, gender
The agouti have only a trace of the tail, fore ends much shorter than the hind ones, and long feet with five fingers, three of which developed, with sharp nails equivalent to small hooves, and the fifth finger very reduced. Herbivores, agouti feed on seeds and fruits. They tend to collect carefully in times of plenty for use in times of scarcity. Its color varies between species.
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Question 1 - There is a cardinal numeral in the passage:
( ) “[…] is a rodent mammal, of the family Dasiproctidae […]”
( ) “Seven species of agouti inhabit the Brazilian territory.”
( ) “They usually make a careful collection in times of abundance […]”
Question 2 - In the passage marked above, the cardinal numeral:
( ) does not vary.
( ) varies in gender.
( ) varies in number.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “[…] being three developed […]”, the cardinal numeral “three” refers to:
( ) at the feet of the agouti.
( ) to the agouti's fingers.
( ) to agouti's hooves.
Question 4 – Note the cardinal numeral in this fragment. Afterwards, write it in full:
"The agouti (Dasyprocta aguti Linnaeus, 1766) (also known as cotia) […]"
Question 5 - The numerals "49" and "64" are cardinal because:
( ) indicate a fraction.
( ) indicate a quantity.
( ) indicate a numerical order.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.