Did you know that the name wild animals refers to animals that do not have the habit of living with humans? The absence of this habit of coexistence with humans occurs because this type of animal is under strong stress if raised in captivity, and can be quite dangerous for the animal and for the human himself also. Find out which wild animals are allowed by IBAMA to be kept at home.
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However, currently, IBAMA - BRAZILIAN INSTITUTE OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES, has authorized some people to be guardians of these animals. However, to be a tutor, it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements determined in the legislation that governs the matter.
But not all animals can live with humans. It is necessary to observe the list of permissions from IBAMA and the requirements for this, so that no crime is committed.
MINI PIG – If you are going to raise this little animal, know that he eats food and loves to walk, especially if he is confined in small environments.
GUINEA PIG – It is quite common and very docile. He loves to sleep during the day, because he moves more at night.
IGUANA – If you opt for this animal, you must leave the place where it will live with an appearance similar to yours. place of origin, as he likes to climb branches, needing a reasonable space to feel comfortable.
CHINCHILLA – Quite sought after for interacting well with children. It lives well in cages, but it is important that it is spacious so that it is comfortable for the little animal.
WATER TIGER – He is green and yellow in color and because he has stripes on his body and lives in environments with a lot of water, he has that name, so the ideal thing is that he has an aquarium in his house to feel at ease.
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