Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about the subjunctive verbs. Let's analyze this verb mode in the text How is the rainbow formed? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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The rainbow is born from an encounter between sunlight and raindrops, which is why it only appears if there is rain falling and sun shining at the same time.
Sunlight, which is white, is made up of all colors. But in order for the _________ colors to be separated, the light needs to find a drop of water. Rain clouds are made up of many drops of water, so the more it's raining, or the closer to you, the bigger the rainbow can be. Show the child how the rainbow will disappear not by magic, but just because the rain will stop – or because another cloud will hide the sun.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - Identify the passage in which the underlined verb is in the subjunctive mode:
( ) "The Rainbow is born of an encounter between sunlight […]"
( ) “[…] it only appears if have rain falling […]"
( ) “show to the child how the rainbow will disappear […]"
Question 2 - In the excerpt identified above, the verb is in the subjunctive mode to express:
( ) a certainty.
( ) a condition.
( ) an orientation.
Question 3 – In the part “But so that the colors _________ separate […]”, the space indicated must be filled with the verb “to be” in the subjunctive mood. Point it out:
( ) "they are".
( ) "they were".
( ) "be".
Question 4 - Underline the verb in the subjunctive mode in this segment of the text:
“[…] it is necessary for the light to find a drop of water.”
Question 5 - In the passage “[…] so the more it rains […]”, the verb in the subjunctive mood is in tense:
( ) gift.
( ) past tense imperfect.
( ) future.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.