Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, explores conjunctions. Let's analyze them in the text The sloths? To do so, answer the questions proposed!
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Sloths spend almost all of their time in the treetops. They are quite clumsy when walking along the ground, but agile and strong when moving from branch to branch. They are herbivorous or herbivorous-omnivorous, depending on the species. They choose their favorite leaves, fruits and shoots through smell. It is also by smell that they distinguish between rotten branches and those that can support their weight.
“Science Today for Children” magazine. Edition 284.
Available in:. (With adaptation).
Question 1 – Highlight the following adversative conjunction:
“They are quite clumsy as they walk along the ground, but agile and strong when moving from branch to branch.”
Question 2 – Mark the conjunction with the same meaning as the one highlighted previously:
( ) "then".
( ) "although".
( ) "therefore".
Question 3 – In the excerpt “They are herbivorous or herbivorous-omnivorous, depending on the species.”, there is a conjunction. Identify it:
Question 4 – The conjunction identified above is:
( ) explanatory.
( ) alternative.
( ) conclusive.
Question 5 – Watch:
“They choose their favorite leaves, fruits and shoots through smell.”
In this passage, the conjunction begins a sentence called:
( ) absolute.
( ) coordinate.
( ) subordinate.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.