Text interpretation, taken from Calvin, aimed at 7th grade students. The activities address the theme of the strip, as well as the linguistic resources used in the construction of that genre, including the use of the “why”.
This activity in Portuguese is available for downloading this activity in PDF ready to print, in Word template that can be modified and also the activity answered.
Download this interpretation at:
Read this strip “Calvin” by Bill Watterson. Then answer the questions:
Available in:.
1) Reread this passage from the first comic:
"You only can park if give me 50 cents.”.
The underlined terms indicate that Calvin:
a) made a proposal
b) performed a persuasion
c) imposed a condition
d) made a promotion
2) Explain why the highlight in the terms "mine" and "mine" in the father's response to Calvin:
3) What does the last comic reveal?
4) Justify the use of the forms "why" and "why" in the strip:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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