Nowadays, with the ease of the internet, we can have access to anything, anywhere and at any time. However, when we spend too much time in front of screens, we can develop several disorders, such as severe headaches and vision problems. Thus, limiting online time is essential to prevent the appearance of such annoyances. Since our portable devices are part of the routine and were developed with the intention of making everyday life easier. So keep reading to find out how long is it healthy to stay on the internet.
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According to research published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology developed by scholars at the University of Pennsylvania, the recommended daily time to stay online is just 30 minutes.
As the title of the article informs: “Limiting the use of social networks reduces isolation and depression”. That is, the less we use the internet, the less isolated we feel and the less likely we are to develop depression and anxiety.
However, many work using devices daily for several hours at a time. Thus, it is recommended to take breaks of fifteen minutes every hour, in addition to making regular use of lubricating eye drops.
When we are exposed to a screen for a long time, we tend to blink less. This causes our eyes to dry out, thus generating the perception of blurred vision. In addition, the intensity of the lighting also influences, since very strong or very weak light makes the eyes tired.
In addition, excessive exposure to computers and cell phones can lead to Computer-Related Visual Syndrome. This condition, in addition to ocular dryness, also has as one of the symptoms severe headaches, caused by the feeling of tiredness of the eyes.
So, as mentioned earlier, the best way to deal with the situation is to take breaks, as spending time away from screens can alleviate discomfort. In addition to this tip, eating foods that are good for the eyes can also help maintain vision.