Even if it's unusual, some wild animals tend to appear in inappropriate places. We have already seen cases where these animals were found inside residential houses. With that in mind, the government, through the Secretariat for Sustainable Development (Sedest) and the Water and Terra (IAT), began to guide people on how to behave when a wild animal enters the houses. Look!
Wild animals may not be dangerous
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In order to guide people on the best way to deal with wild animals, the government has made some information cards available. As an example title, they used serpents.
They then stated that everyone should remain calm and keep children and pets away from her as soon as she is identified. They pointed out that she doesn't see people as prey, so she poses no immediate danger.
The scenario becomes bad when the human invades their “limit radius”, that is, the space in which they feel safe. Therefore, in addition to keeping a distance from it, it is important to isolate the animal. For better guidance, it is important to take videos and photos to send to the IAT Fauna Sector.
This is very common to be seen in urban areas. His greatest purpose when approaching man is to seek shelter and food. Peaceful coexistence with him is very possible. Now, if you don't want to attract them, don't leave any type of food in the backyard, as it can "adopt" you and bring others to the area.
It is worth mentioning that the garbage cans must always be closed, also because, otherwise, it may attract not only skunks, but any other type of animal that is attracted by leftovers.
What other animals were approached?
Animals such as hedgehogs and lizards are also included in the information.
The advice is to avoid contact aggressive, for they do not spontaneously attack humans. Those who think of killing or mistreating wild animals can and should be reported.