Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, addresses the adverbial adjunct of place. Are we going to study the expressions that indicate the circumstance of place in relation to the facts? To do this, answer the questions based on the text. Snake-shaped amphibian is discovered in Rio Madeira (RO)!
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Rare animal was found by biologists at a power plant construction site. Examples are at the Emilio Goeldi Museum, in Pará.
The work of a group of biologists at the construction site of the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant, on the Madeira River, in Porto Velho, resulted in the discovery of an amphibian shaped like a snake.
XIMENES, M. Available in: .
question 1 – Highlight the adverbial adjunct that indicates place in the initial fragment of the text:
"Rare animal was found by biologists at a power plant construction site."
question 2 – The underlined expression is an adverbial adjunct of place in the passage:
( ) “Snake-shaped amphibian is discovered on the Madeira River (RO)”.
( ) “None of them have the exact description of the locality […]”
( ) "[…] only 'South America”.
question 3 – In the period “Examples are in the Emilio Goeldi Museum, in Pará.”, the adverbial adjunct of place modifies the meaning of:
( ) a verb
( ) an adjective
( ) an adverb
question 4 – In the segment “Atretochoana eiselti is the scientific name of the rare animal discovered in Rondônia.”, the adverbial adjunct adds a circumstance of place to a verb:
( ) in the infinitive
( ) in the gerund
( ) in the participle
question 5 – The adverbial adjuncts of place, analyzed above, comprise:
( ) A tale
( ) a notice
( ) a scientific article
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.