Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, proposes the study of future of the present, taking as a reference the text that presents guidelines for those who want to change their profession.
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Are you thinking of changing your professional field? It may be a great idea, but you need to be prepared: you will need to invest time and money in this endeavor, taking courses and looking for contacts. And until you grow up in your new profession, you'll likely see your income go down.
Want to turn a hobby into a job? Will it continue to be pleasant when it's an obligation? Evaluate well so that the shot does not backfire.
If you can afford it, hire a coach (a professional counselor) to help you with the transition. Talking to people who work in the area you want to migrate to also helps a lot.
“Everyone” magazine, Dec/Jan. 2017, p.16.
Question 1 - Check the passage that does not provide guidance for those wishing to change profession:
a) “[…] invest time and money in this endeavor, taking courses and seeking contacts.”
b) "Want to turn a hobby into work?"
c) “[…] hire a coach (a professional counselor) to help you with the transition.”
d) “Talk to people who work in the area you want to migrate to […]”
Question 2 - In all segments, the highlighted verb form is in the future of the present, except in:
The) "He can be a great idea, but you need to be prepared […]"
b) “[…] you will need invest time and money in this endeavor […]"
c) “And, until growing in the new profession, probably will see your income decrease.”
d) "I wonder if Will continue being pleasant when it's an obligation?"
Question 3 - The information enclosed in parentheses consists of:
the opinion
b) citation
c) explanation
d) exemplification
Question 4 – In the excerpt “[…] which you want to migrate also helps quite.”, the underlined term indicates:
in time
b) mode
c) place
d) intensity
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.