It is very common that stove burners, after a long time of use, the flames are weak or lower than normal. This happens due to the accumulation of dirt and grease, which is why it is so important to know some techniques to unclog the stove burners and improve its performance and, as a consequence, the longevity of this appliance so important.
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Now check out a secret that promises to solve the problem of clogging your stove mouths:
Find out how to unclog
This tip is amazing and will surprise you for its ease, both in preparation and application. O ingredient will also surprise you, because you probably already have it at home: the lemon. If you don't have it, it's not hard to find, you can add it to your shopping list when you go to the market.
You will only need a few drops of lemon, then you must remove the flame spreader and the burner from the stove mouth that you have identified to be weakly or completely clogged. It only takes 5 minutes to perform this unclog, you will love it!
It is worth remembering that this secret can be used as many times as necessary, it will not cause damage to your stove.
Just be careful to always keep it clean after using it.
Only 5 drops of lemon juice will be needed.
Method of preparation and application