Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, explores the punctuation marks. Exclamation mark, question mark, period, quotation marks, parentheses, comma... How about studying them through the curious text giant dogs? In this way, you will improve your knowledge about scoring! Are we going to answer the various questions proposed?
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Who does not remember the dog from the movie Beethoven In fact, that beautiful animal had nothing of "little". He was hugeeee! Although it is a fiction and has its exaggerations, what few people know is that the São Bernardo breed is really on the list of the so-called “Giant Dogs”. An adult male can weigh up to 200 pounds. He is docile and often used as a lifeguard, but he is also a guard dog.
It is not known for sure which would be the greatest race in the world. However, in the lists of dog lovers, there are nine other breeds, they are: Bullmastiff, Pyrenees Dog, Caucasian Ovcharka, Great Dane, Great Dane Bordeaux, Giant Alaskan Malamute, Irish Lebrel, Leonberger, English Mastiff (a dog of this breed is in the Guinness, as the heaviest in the world at 155.4 kilos).
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Question 1 - Note that the first sentence of the text was transcribed without the necessary punctuation mark. Identify the alternative in which the scoring was done correctly:
a) "Who doesn't remember the dog from the Beethoven movie!"
b) "Who doesn't remember the dog from the Beethoven movie?"
c) "Who doesn't remember the dog from the Beethoven movie."
d) “Who doesn't remember the dog from the Beethoven movie…”
Question 2 - In the prayer “He was hugeeee!”, the exclamation mark shows the feeling of:
the joy
b) fear
c) doubt
d) admiration
Question 3 - The term "little" was placed in quotation marks because:
a) was misspelled.
b) is little used.
c) is a neologism.
d) is a foreignness.
Question 4 - In the excerpt “Although it is a fiction and has its exaggerations, what few people know is that the São Bernardo breed […]”, the comma indicates:
a) the insertion of an explanation.
b) the omission of a term from the sentence.
c) the displacement of part of the sentence.
d) the separation of coordinated clauses.
Question 5 - In the passage “He is docile and much used as a lifeguard, but he is also a guard dog.”, The comma introduces:
a) a pronoun
b) a preposition
c) an adverb
d) a conjunction
Question 6 – In "It is not known for sure which would be the greatest race in the world.", the period closes a period that contains:
a) a prayer
b) two prayers
c) three prayers
d) four prayers
Question 7 – The conjunction "However", separated by a comma, expresses:
a) a condition
b) a compensation
c) a contrast
d) a caveat
Question 8 – The information, placed in parentheses, is:
a) an explanation
b) a comparison
c) a conclusion
d) an example
Question 9 – In the second paragraph of the text, the use of the comma predominates for:
( ) separate coordinated sentences.
( ) separate correlated terms.
( ) separate intercalated prayers.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.