Portuguese activity, aimed at 7th grade students, proposes the study of bet, through the news Environmental police release captured owls in the urban area of Uberlândia.
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Military personnel of the 9th Independent Environmental and Traffic Company of the Military Police, in Uberlândia, in the Triângulo Mineiro, returned, this Thursday morning, four pig owls, a species popularly known as barn owls, in the middle environment.
The animals are part of a group of six owls that were captured last week in the urban area of Uberlândia. They had wounds and so were referred to the Laboratory for Teaching and Research of Animals (Lapas) of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). They received the necessary care from the veterinarians and were discharged today.
Two sergeants from the 9th Company took the owls to a forest reserve area in the municipality of Uberlândia and released them. The place has plenty of water and food for them to resume wildlife conditions. According to Sgt. Eduardo Venâncio Rocha, with the reduction of areas destined for this type of animal, its presence in urban environments is increasingly common. “They end up stopping in town in search of food,” says the military man.
Available in:. Accessed on: November 17, 2017.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
to inform
b) entertain
c) disclose
d) guide
Question 2 - In the excerpt “[…] four pig owls, species popularly known as barn owl, to the environment.”, the highlighted part consists of:
a) exemplification
b) explanation
c) citation
d) observation
Question 3 - “They had injuries and that is why were forwarded […]”. The term underlined indicates:
the condition
b) opposition
c) cause
d) consequence
Question 4 – “[…] areas destined for this type of animal […]”. What animal does the text refer to?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.