At some point you may need to make a transfer to another bank other than your own. Fortunately, there are very practical resources for this purpose: TED and DOC.
The DOC is used to transfer a maximum of BRL 4,999.99 to an account at a bank other than yours. If you need to transfer amounts above R$ 5 thousand, you need to do a TED.
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To carry out these transactions, there is a code to identify the bank referring to the receipt of the amount. Check out what the Citibank bank number.
This code must be filled in carefully, because if you enter any recipient information or the wrong number (such as the bank number), the DOC or TED will be returned and you will be deemed not to have paid the bill, if that is the case. case. In this way, the creditor may charge interest and penalties.
If you need to do a TED/DOC involving the Citibank, the number that should be used is 745.
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