Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, with questions about the adjectives employed in the text on the “Our Lady of Mercy Sanctuary”. It is worth adding that students are also called to analyze the adjectives that perform the function of other classes of words.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The Nossa Senhora da Piedade Sanctuary, located 48 km from the capital of Minas Gerais and 16 km from the municipality of Caeté, is a scenario of rich natural beauty, on top of the mountain, at an altitude of 1746 meters. Ideal for reflection, prayer and meeting God, the Sanctuary that houses the patron saint of Minas Gerais is ideal for those seeking tranquility and beauty in nature.
From the top of the Sanctuary, on clear days, it is possible to have one of the most beautiful views of the mountains of Minas. There are 360 degrees of panorama, with a thousand and one facets of beauty that only Mother Nature offers so generously, inspiring human behavior.
On colder and cloudy days, the spectacle is even more beautiful. From the top of Serra da Piedade, there is a stunning landscape of green forests rising and falling mountains, from where nine cities can also be seen: Belo Horizonte, Caeté, Contagem, Lagoa Santa, Nova União, Raposos, Sabará, Santa Luzia and Vespasian.
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Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
Question 2 - The text presents different adjectives that were used to characterize the “Santuário Nossa Senhora da Piedade”. Highlight them in the following passages:
a) “[…] it is a scenario of rich natural beauty, at the top of the mountain, at 1746 meters […]”
b) “[…] it is possible to have one of the most beautiful views of the mountains of Minas.”
c) “[…] the show is even more beautiful.”
d) “From the top of Serra da Piedade, there is a stunning green landscape […]”
Question 3 – In “[…] Mother Nature offers in such a generous, inspiring human conduct.”, the highlighted adjective performs the function of:
( ) substantive
( ) adverb
( ) pronoun
Question 4 - In the excerpt “[…] a stunning landscape of the green of the forests […]”, is the word “green” an adjective? Explain:
Question 5 - Identify the only adjective used in the synthetic absolute superlative degree:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.