Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, proposes the study of conclusive conjunction, through a text that deals with the benefits of laughter.
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We share our ability to laugh with our fellow primates – for example, chimpanzees “laugh” if they are tickled. Primitive man bared his teeth as a sign of aggression, threat or warning. But by contorting his face while making strange, inarticulate, rhythmic sounds, he turned aggression into affability, warning into cordial reception. "Want to fight?" turned into "Want to play?"
Laughing together is a way to strengthen social bonds between people, as laughter makes us go outside ourselves and provides the human contact we need to survive. But it has other benefits.
When we laugh, we bring more air in and out of the lungs than during normal, regular breathing. Therefore, when we laugh, we may be introducing more oxygen into the blood (stimulating circulation). The heart rate also increases, helping the whole process.
BOOHREM, R. L. Available in: .
Question 1 - The use of conclusive conjunction is registered in the following passage:
a) “[…] for example, chimpanzees “laugh” if they are tickled.”
b) "But twisting the face while making strange sounds [...]"
c) “Laughing together is a way to strengthen social bonds between people, because laughter […]”
d) “Therefore, when we laugh, we may be introducing more oxygen into the blood […]”
Question 2 - “[…] chimpanzees “laugh” if they are tickled.”. Why was the verb “laugh” placed in quotation marks?
Question 3 - In the "[…] he it transformed aggression into affability, warning into cordial reception.”, the highlighted pronoun replaces, considering the context:
Question 4 - Check the segment that consists of a comparison:
a) “We share our ability to laugh with our fellow primates […]’
b) "Primitive man showed his teeth as a sign of aggression, threat or warning."
c) “[…] we make more air enter and leave the lungs than during normal and regular breathing.”
d) “[…] we may be introducing more oxygen into the blood, (stimulating circulation).”
Question 5 - Indicate connectors that can replace “because” in the phrase “[…] because laughter makes us come out of ourselves […]”:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.