O Uber arrived with a new proposal for iPhone users. Without having to open the platform, sailors can now follow their journey on the lock screen. The driver's route, which was previously only within the app, can be seen with the screen locked. The initial screen can remain blocked even if it is to request the trip.
The idea has been tested over the last few months and is about to reach iPhone users. The new features will only allow screen locks to happen in extreme cases.
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This new feature will be part of the update to iOS 16. The update is called 'Live Activities', monitoring all features of the trip through the Uber app, including how much time the driver has to finish the journey. All information that could only be seen within the app will be exposed on the lock screen.
In addition to the lock screen, the travel app will now bring together all the options in a more simplified way. In the 'Services' tab, it will show all the distribution of services in nearby places and the trips that have already been made by Uber.
All these novelties will only serve users from the iphone 14, with the iOS 16 update. Uber Flash will also enter the category, but the platform does not carry out the function in Brazil and, therefore, the new technology will be useful for travel.
According to Apple, Uber was the first company that sought access to the new platform support. Tests have been carried out over the last few months. The news is that all users of the update will receive updates, including in Brazil. This is a way for the brand to optimize screen lock features and the use of cameras, as indicated by Apple.
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