Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aiming at the study of verbs and the process of textual coherence and cohesion, taking as a reference the news “Research shows that the number of panda bears has increased”.
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Question 1 - Read this news, completing with these verbs:
Research ____________________ what number of panda bears has increased
The world population of wild giant pandas ___________________ at 268 individuals over the last decade, according to a new survey by the government of China. With population growth, the total number of panda bears ________________ to 1,864 animals.
This increase ___________________ an increase of 16.8% specimens compared to the last survey, carried out in 2003. Pandas, a global symbol of wildlife conservation, _____________________ found only in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu.
According to the report, whose official name is Fourth National Giant Panda Survey, in free translation), the area occupied by these animals also increased by 11.8% compared to 2003, _____________________ to 2.57 million of acre.
“These results are a testament to the Chinese government's conservation achievements,” _______________________ Xiaohai Liu, executive director of programs at WWF-China. “______________________ excellent work being done regarding the conservation of this species, and the government ___________________________ very efficiently integrated these efforts and partnerships with organizations such as the WWF", _________________________. […]
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Question 2 – List:
a) impersonal verb
b) gerund verb
c) participle verb
_______ coming
_______ found
_______ there is
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.