Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about the Joy doctors. It is an organization that, through the art of the clown, transforms the environments they pass through! Let's meet the “Doctors of Joy”? So, read the text and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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26 years of experience in Brazil
Doutores da Alegria is a non-profit civil society organization that uses the art of the clown to intervene with children, adolescents and other publics in situations of vulnerability and social risk in public hospitals and adverse environments.
Founded by Wellington Nogueira in 1991, the association has already carried out more than one and a half million visits to hospitalized children, their caregivers and health professionals.
From interventions in hospitals, Doutores da Alegria expands channels of reflective dialogue with society, sharing knowledge produced through training, research, publications and artistic manifestations, contributing to the promotion of culture and health and inspiring policies public services.
In 2016, the association institutionally repositions itself based on a new governance and a new institutional task, proposing art as social minimum, that is, as one of the basic needs for the dignified development of human beings, as well as food, health, housing and education.
The work is not voluntary. It is free for hospitals and for the benefited public, being maintained by donations from companies and individuals.
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Question 1 - Identify the purpose of who wrote the text above:
a) inform the origin of the organization “Doctors of Joy”.
b) introduce the organization “Doctors of Joy”.
c) express an opinion about the organization “Doctors of Joy”.
d) list the works carried out by the organization “Doctors of Joy”.
Question 2 - Carefully review the first paragraph of the text. Then, underline the verb that indicates the purpose of the organization "Doctors of Joy":
Doutores da Alegria is a non-profit civil society organization that uses the art of the clown to intervene with children, adolescents and other publics in situations of vulnerability and social risk in public hospitals and environments adverse effects.
Question 3 - Point out the achievement of the organization "Doctors of Joy", since the year of its foundation:
Question 4 - “[…] Doutores da Alegria expands channels of reflective dialogue […]”. What does it mean to say that “Doctors of Joy” expands channels of reflective dialogue?
a) It means to say that Doutores da Alegria encompasses channels of reflective dialogue.
b) It means to say that Doutores da Alegria complements channels of reflective dialogue.
c) It means to say that Doutores da Alegria expands channels of reflective dialogue.
d) It means to say that Doutores da Alegria restricts channels of reflective dialogue.
Question 5 - According to the text, in 2016, the organization “Doctors of Joy” institutionally repositioned itself in order to propose:
a) art as a social minimum.
b) health as a social minimum.
c) housing as a social minimum.
d) education as a social minimum.
Question 6 – In the passage “[…] being kept by donations from companies and people.”, the highlighted verbal phrase has as reference:
to work"
b) "the volunteer"
c) "the hospital"
d) "the public benefited"
Question 7 – In the fourth paragraph of the text, the expression “ie” introduces:
a) a condition
b) a conclusion
c) a comparison
d) an explanation
Question 8 – The text was written using a language:
a) regional
b) cultured
c) informal
d) scientific
By Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.