Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, addresses the nominal predicate. How about analyzing this type of predicate in the text First balloon experience by Father Bartolomeu Lourenço de Gusmão? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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One of these days I was reading the book five weeks in a balloon, by Jules Verne, which tells the story of 3 adventurers who crossed Africa in a balloon. I was so excited about the book that I decided to do a little research on the origins of balloons. I found out that it was Bartolomeu Lourenço de Gusmão, a Brazilian priest, who made the first balloon in Portugal. The Passarola, as the balloon was called, rose four meters in height and traveled from the castle of São Jorge to the Terreiro do Paço… I have no idea how many meters there are between the castle and the Terreiro, but for the time, I believe it was a good distance. Nowadays, that seems little, but people were so impressed by this experience that they thought that Gusmão was a magician.
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Question 1 - There is a nominal predicate in the passage:
( ) “[…] I was reading the book five weeks in a balloon […]”
( ) “I was so excited […]”
( ) “I have no idea how many meters there are […]”
Question 2 - In the passage mentioned above, the nucleus of the nominal predicate is:
( ) an adjective
( ) a pronoun
( ) a noun
Question 3 - Underline the verb that makes up the following noun predicate:
“[…] people were so impressed […]
Question 4 – The verb underlined above is:
( ) binding
( ) direct transitive
( ) indirect transitive
Question 5 - In “[…] they came to think that Gusmão it was magic.”, the highlighted complement is:
( ) verbal
( ) nominal
( ) noun-verb
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.