The five senses, referring to the internal and external environment, are smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch. The internal and external environment enable a wide variety of sensations, which are perceived thanks to our nervous system and our sense organs. They are responsible for our day-to-day activities and are extremely important to all of us.
The sense organs of are:
EYESIGHT: The eyes are responsible for the sense of sight, they visualize the message and send the message to the brain.
TACT: It's touch sensation, skin contact.
TASTE: The tongue is responsible for the Taste, feeling the tastes and even if it's hot or cold.
SMELL: The nose is responsible for the odors and smells of things.
HEARING: The ears are responsible for sounds, noises. They send the message to the brain, which analyzes them.
Below, leave some activities about sense organs for early childhood education for your little ones to learn the importance of our senses.
João is taking a shower with which part of his body does he feel the temperature of the water? paint the comic.
Count how many senses we have and color in the corresponding number.
Shall we connect the drawings? with a dash, connect each design corresponding to the sense organ used.
Through the nose we can smell things. Connect your nose to the scent you like to smell the most.
The baker smells his freshly baked bread with which organ does he smell? paint the comic.
With my nose I smell it. Paint the nose of the cake red.
connect each sense organ to what it allows us to do.
Through the tongue we can taste the food. Choose what you like best and turn on your tongue.
How many senses do we have… Let's count?
These activities will address the sense organs (Science), it will be possible to work on the 5 sense organs and the function of each one of them.
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