Many terms from other languages are used in the daily life of Brazilians, starting to be inserted in the vocabulary of the Portuguese language.
An example of this is the term insight, widely used in the creative world.
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The word insight comes from the English language, formed by the prefix “in” (within) and the suffix “sight” (view).
Thus, by uniting the meanings, the words “interior view” or “inside look” are formed.
This term is used to refer to the act of a person understanding something suddenly and intuitively.
In addition, there is the use of this word for when someone finds the solution to a complex and difficult situation.
O insight most memorable of all time is possibly the moment of the famous “Eureka!” of Archimedes.
The great mathematician had been challenged to discover whether the crown of King Hieron II of Syracuse was made of solid gold.
At the time mentioned, the mathematician discovered how to measure the volume of an object through its density by the displacement of water in the bathtub.
this extraordinary insight allowed many advances in science, with the invention of hydrostatics.
The word insight can be used with different approaches.
In psychiatry, it is related to the ability to recognize one's own mental health.
In psychology it is used when something is discovered in a very intuitive way. Another use is about a person's ability to see a problem differently.
In addition, it is commonly used to refer to the discernment of truths that are not clear.
When the insight happens, it is noticeable several changes in the brain. This statement can be made, because studies done by psychologist Mark Beeman, from Northwestern University, in 2004, measured the brain activity of volunteers while they were insights.
The research was performed with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalogram (EEG) scans.
During exams, volunteers had to solve remote association problems. Meanwhile, their brain activity was monitored.
The conclusion of the study was the presence of a significant increase in activities in the right hemisphere of the brain, mainly from the anterior superior temporal gyrus.
The right brain area is related to creativity and this region is responsible for recognizing distant connections.
This expansion of activities happens exactly at the moment when they found a solution.
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