Carrying out sympathies represents the deposit of the hope of attracting what is most desired. An example is the desire to attract prosperity and love into one's own life. Including, the protective entity of love and prosperity is Oxum, so many sympathies are made in his name. In this sense, we teach you how to make some of them. So check out 4 Oxum sympathies to have positivity.
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Being an Orixá present in both Umbanda and Candomblé, Oxum is one of the most popular entities among religions African matrix. Including fertility, wealth, love and prosperity are the attributes most connected to this entity. Due to their role in protecting prosperity and love, there are some of their sympathies with the aim of attracting them into your life.
Normally, the use of coins, flowers and ribbons is very common in these types of rituals, as they are elements that symbolize love and prosperity. However, it is extremely important to ratify that performing a sympathy does not mean that it will no longer be necessary to strive to achieve what you want. Therefore,
Spell to get out of debt
First, you should have the following items on hand:
To begin with, insert all the earth into the clay pot and then bury the garlic cloves along with the coins. Then add the arruda leaves over the earth and then throw all the grains. The next step is to go to a waterfall, river or creek and, on the bank, place the pot.
Now, when placing the pot, you must utter the following sentence: “Dear goddess Oxum, I offer you this humble present, asking you to open the paths of my financial life, helping me to get rid of all debts”. Finally, walk away without the pot and don't look back.
Sympathy of prosperity
To attract prosperity, the necessary items are:
Basically, you should wait for a full moon night and put your fashion in a glass of water and leave it there until sunrise. After that, remove the coin by leaving it in a safe place. It is important to note that this ritual should only be done on full moon nights. With that, you will be able to see things changing for the better.
Sympathy to conquer your love
If you want to conquer your loved one, have at hand:
This sympathy consists of writing the name of the person you want to conquer on all the petals of the rose and wrapping them in paper. Then fold the paper and deposit it in an extremely safe place. Through this, in a few days, you will have the result you want so much.
Sympathy of the 8 ribbons
Last but not least, we have the famous sympathy of the 8 ribbons. To make it, you will need to separate 8 ribbons of different colors and tie them in order to form a bow. Now, choose a white ribbon and write your love's name to close the bow. As with other spells, you must reserve it in a safe place.
Finally, it is essential to repeat this phrase every day: “may this bond of love bring me (name of your love) and may the two of us always be together”.