Areduction in taxes and the changesin priceof oilin the market International madewithwhatthe priceof gasoline It's from dieselcome down sharply in Brazil, to the point in those fuelsbe sold today Thea price lower than what was seen outside.The same It is made is not seen with the gas of kitchen.Despiteof the recentreductionreportedby Petrobras,at the momentO cylinder costs25%more at the Brazilof what in the market external.
Read more: Gas voucher in October: payment schedule announced
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The context that directly affects youpockets of the poorest families persistssince April.It isinformationébasedinprices international. The value é used as reference for calculate The difference daily at costof gasolinediesel and LPG, the gas for to cook. Inthesis, ThePetrobrasdefine prices with base in these changes external.That
In caseof gasoline It's from diesel oil, since the price here ésmallerof what at theoutside, the government Federal it started putting pressure on Petrobras in recent days not to do any readjustment right now. This pressure is being exerted, as it is feared that this action could harm current President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), candidate for re-election in the second round, which is scheduled for October 30.
According to data from the Brazilian Association in Fuel Importers (Abicom), the difference in the price of gasoline is 10% while diesel has a stagnant value at 13%.
In the case of cooking gas, the situation is reversed: the pricepracticed by the state it was left well above the average International.while the value equivalentfor one cylinder from 13 kgcute in lathe of BRL 39, Petrobras operacurrently inonelanding at the Port of Santos, where the canister costs R$49,19. That's justmeanswhatthe pricefeatures about 25% difference in values.
How has this situation affected families?
In the homes of Brazilians, the value of this same cylinder varies according to the state in which the group resides, but currently its average – where taxes and resale margins are included – is R$ 112.13, according to what was informed by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP).
“Herein House, Thewe passed to do food once a day, alreadyhe doeslunch and dinner at once so you don't have to to staycookingallhour.Ocylinderit is BRL 120. A people he has in purchase onecylinder, virtually, once a month. ANDis difficult too much,” said Maria do Socorro Maia, a housewife.
In August, Bolsonaro increasedfrom BRL 53 to BRL 110 the value of gas voucherforfamilies in lowincome. The resource é distributed for about 5.6 million domiciles every two payment he was done in august, another one will arrive in this month and there will be a third in December.
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