For those who were waiting to know when the Brazil Aid would release payments again, know that the wait is over. That's because this week the new round of payments for the program began. According to the official calendar, the release of the seventh installment of 2022 began this Monday (18). So if you want to know more about the Brazil Aid payments, just continue reading this article.
Read more: “PEC Das Bondades” Intends to Reduce Queues for Beneficiaries of Aid Brazil
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Auxílio Brasil will benefit almost 18.5 million families who are in a situation of social vulnerability. In this sense, the new shipment will have the same value, remaining at R$ 400.
However, despite the program having defined the minimum amount that can be received at R$400 per month, beneficiaries have already started to anticipate receiving an increase of R$200. This is because, although it is in the final procedures for regularization, the benefit of R$ 600 until November 2022 was included in the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution - PEC das Bondades.
In order to find out who is entitled to the amount of the Auxílio Brasil, first of all, it is necessary to point out that this process is made from a division of two groups. Thus, the first is composed of people who live in extreme poverty and have a family income of less than R$ 105 per person. The second group is composed of individuals living in poverty with a per capita family income of R$ 105.01 to R$ 210.
In addition, there are some criteria to know if you will be contemplated with the value of the social program, namely: