Seeking to offer a better quality of life for elderly, the Statute of the Elderly was created, which aims to protect senior citizens, ensuring priority and enforcement of the right to life. According to the incentive legislation for the elderly, there are exclusive rights that benefit and facilitate the daily life of senior citizens and retirees. Learn about these benefits that make a difference in the lives of thousands of Brazilians.
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Senior citizens and retirees have access to free public and intercity transport tickets. In addition, interstate trips can be purchased with a 50% discount. The minimum age to be entitled to the benefit varies between 60 and 65 years, according to the state.
This is well known by the population, being a right that can and should be demanded. According to the law, seniors and retirees have preference in care. In this way, several places must provide preferential service, such as: supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, hospitals and other institutions.
According to the Statute of the Elderly, it is the responsibility of the public authorities to offer free medication to people aged 60 or over. To get the medication, just present an official document with a photo, CPF and a prescription with an expiration date at a popular pharmacy or SUS.
Being over 60 years of age and earning up to 3 minimum wages, IPTU is exempt for elderly and retired people in Brazil. Another condition for accessing the benefit is not owning more than one property, which must be used as a home.
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