Are you one of the 73,198 INSS insured persons who won any of the lawsuits against the INSS?
If you won the case, but did not receive the amount, you may be one of the recipients, as the INSS will be clearing delays in court cases for retirees and pensioners.
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The amount to be paid refers to processes for granting requests or revising benefits and payment will take place through RPVs.
For those who don't know, RPV is a Small Value Request, whose maximum value is up to 60 minimum wages, equivalent to R$ 66 thousand.
Therefore, if you filed a lawsuit related to granting or reviewing retirement, BPC, aid and pensions, the chances of being a recipient are high!
Shortly after the announcement of discharge of these arrears through the 71,852 processes, the start of payments was given.
The courts have already started processing arrears. However, some recipients should only receive the amount in 2022.
To find out if you will receive it this year, check if the payment order for your case was issued by the judge in October.
Those who make it past October will receive the values next year, but you can still check if your process has been contemplated.
To consult is very easy! Enter the TRF website and click on the “Procedural Consultation” option. Now follow the step by step:
In the query you receive all the information, including the date of issue of your payment order.
According to information from the Regional Court of the 3 regions (TRT-3), the payment of the first receivables begins this week.
However, the TRT also made it clear that there is no single date for releasing payments, as it depends on the calendar of each court.
Therefore, check your process and stay tuned for receipt information.
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