Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, about adverbs so. How about analyzing this type of adverb in the text a great work? To do this, answer the proposed questions! In “The engineer was severely punished for having attracted ill omen.”, could the adverb so be replaced by “hardly”, “strictly” or “too much”?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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A group of professionals was frantically engaged in the construction of a great work.
An experienced engineer noticed the high risk of the project and warned:
— Since it is being built, this work will collapse!
He repeated the warning, several days in a row, to no avail.
Everyone looked disdainful, paying no attention to his technical explanations.
With just a short time to complete, the work collapsed, with a crash.
The engineer was severely punished for attracting ill omen.
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Question 1 - In the period below, there is an adverb so. Brand it:
"A group of professionals was frantically engaged in the construction of a great work."
Question 2 - The adverb so "uselessly" derives:
( ) of the adjective “useless”.
( ) of the verb “to disable”.
( ) of the noun “uselessness”.
Question 3 - The prefix "in" in the adverb so "uselessly" indicates:
( ) denial.
( ) opposition.
( ) repetition.
Question 4 – In the part "With just a little to be completed, the work collapsed, loudly.”, the underlined adverb adds a circumstance in a manner to a verb, which expresses:
( ) a completed action.
( ) a hypothetical action.
( ) an action in progress.
Question 5 - In “The engineer was severely punished for having attracted ill omen.”, the adverb so could be replaced by:
( ) “hard”.
( ) “strictly”.
( ) “too much”.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.