Text interpretation activity, proposed to students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text The Magic Money Bag.
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Long ago, in a distant village, lived a hardworking young couple. They earned their livelihood by chopping firewood. Every morning they went into the forest and returned late at night with two bales of firewood. They were left with one bale to sell and the other bale for their own use.
Late one night, in the freezing cold, an old man knocked on her door. The freezing winds made him shiver and he begged for some firewood. The kind couple gave him a bundle of firewood.
With that, the old man turned into a gnome and presented the couple with a bag of magic money. He asked them to open the bag only once a day.
The next morning, when the couple opened the bag, they found a valuable gold coin. Soon the couple was rich!
One day, consumed by greed, the couple decided to open the money bag twice. As soon as they opened the bag a second time, it disappeared! And the couple found themselves reduced to the same poverty again.
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What are the characters in the story?
4) What did the couple do every day?
5) On a freezing night, what happened?
6) How did the old man thank the couple?
7) What happened when the couple opened the bag?
8) One day the couple opened the bag twice, what happened?
9) In your opinion, why did the couple become poor again?
10) If you got the same gift given by the gnome what would you do?
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