Although the coincidence of look-alikes is not common, it does exist. The existence of unrelated look-alikes is the phenomenon in which two people with no genetic relationship physically resemble each other. Knowing this, scholars at the Josep Carreras Institute for Leukemia Research in Barcelona, located in Spain, are working to find a scientific explanation for the fact. Read more and understand how this happens!
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According to a BBC report, Manel Esteller, director and professor of Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine from the University of Barcelona, was the one who took the lead in this study. In addition, the research, which began in 2016, had the results published only in August 2022 in the scientific journal Cell Reports.
Still, the study was intended to “characterize random humans who objectively shared facial features” at the molecular level, with the aim of finding some explanation.
In addition, facial recognition software was used, in which the faces of the volunteers were analyzed to verify the level of similarity. With that, they discovered, according to the programs, that 16 pairs were considered extremely similar. So, the next step was to collect biological and genetic material from the volunteer individuals, with DNA samples.
The result surprised everyone by showing that, despite not having any degree of kinship, the “doppelgangers” had a very similar genetic analysis. The researchers attribute this phenomenon to “chance”.
However, it is interesting to note that, although these people are not related in any way, their similarities in the DNA strand are so great that they ended up being born as alike as twins identical. That is, completely randomly, people from different countries end up sharing such a great genetic similarity that this gives them similar physical attributes.
Finally, another even more interesting point that the researchers noticed was that these people were not only physically alike, but also shared extremely common behavioral traits, habits, and addictions. look alike. However, the study affirms and suggests that these similarities occur due to genetic factors.
Have you ever stopped to think that there is probably someone out there who is “just like” you? Not only physically, but also sharing the same personal tastes as yours. For some, this can be frightening, while for others, it's fascinating.